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Bushwalk with Archery
Class & Medicinal Plant Tour
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Walking in the bush gives you the opportunity to experience Africa from the ground, in the safe hands of your professional Maasai warrior guide. You don’t have to be super fit, we can tailor the walk according to your abilities and fitness level. By joining us on a walk, you will get to notice all the little things available in nature, that you would normally just walk past.       

These small details that are overlooked on game drives become more apparent from the slower pace and lower angle of being on foot.


Think of the amazing engineering skills and cooperative work involved in the creation of a termite mound, for instance. Bird calls, tracks, insects, plants & geology. Everything takes on more significance and you gain a much deeper understanding of your environment.

Bush walks take you to places inaccessible to vehicles, enabling you to experience and interact with your surroundings in a more rounded way. Whether it’s appreciating a particularly fabulous panorama, studying a up close or spending time learning how to shoot a bow and arrow or traditional Maasai spear, learn about the medicinal uses of plants, all these experiences are only possible on foot. You feel the bush rather than simply observe it!   


You’re in the animals domain, experiencing the world on their terms. It’s exciting! Safari walks enhance your awareness and knowledge of what is going on around you as you are engaging all five senses on a heightened level. The tempting smell and uses of a white bush, the velvety feel of an acacia seed pod, the fibrous taste of mother-in-law’s tongue root, the thrilling sight of the possibility of spotting an animal on foot – it’s exhilarating!


This experience is really hands on, as you will learn to shoot a bow and arrow or throw a traditional Maasai spear, learning how to recognise animal bird sounds, the medicinal uses of plants and you will learn how to track animals ourselves. Truly an experience never to forget!

Time: 1 - 3 hours

Rates: 15 dollars per adult person

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